06.01.2022 - 08.01.2022
Tomas Redrado Gallery. Mia, FL.

'To embrace absurdity it’s necessary to embrace animal nature .
Each distinctive animal has its own emblem background, figures that recall childhood and their naive activities, but when we look at Del Estal's paintings we can see that they’re playing, and that game is for adults.
Desire, lust, isolation, recreation, urban life, faithful portraiture, a scar of loneliness, the freedom to be passionate for the pleasure of being interposed between them.
This is how Maia Del Estal presents "creatures", a sort of pop and figurative malformation, where joy and imagination are in control of her works, of her life, of herself.’
Selva Bouhet

Views at the Gallery
Raw animals
Invisible beings
At the end
We are all the same
when we are vulnerable.
There's life itself between us
Heading to a chess club
To meet up with a stranger.
Check mate
We vanished.
The closest
Expression of love.

Tomas Redrado Gallery, MIAMI, FL.

Doberman Poppy - pastel, oil, acrylic, spray-paint on canvas 51in x 75.7in 2022

2 cows playing chess in BK - plaster, pencil, pastel, spray-paint on canvas 58in x 75in 2022

Hotel room - Marker, pencil, spray-paint, acrylic on canvas 54in x 76.5in 2022

NY rats - pastel, marker, spray-paint, acrylic, oil stick on canvas 46.2in x 73in 2022

Sushi date - oil stick, pastel, acrylic, spray-paint on canvas 66in x 91in 2022

Business meeting - oil stick, pastel acrylic, spray-paint, on canvas 78.5in x 78in 2022

Going Upstate - pastel, acrylic, spray-paint on canvas 115in x 77.5in 2022

Sasha - pencil, acrylic, pastel on canvas 35.5in x 42in, 2022

Flower creature - pastel, acrylic, oil stick, spray-paint on canvas 40in x 38.5in 2022

At Anyway Cafe - oil stick, pastel, acrylic on canvas 41in x 39.2in 2022

Mostra del Upper East - pastel, pencil, acrylic on canvas 32in x 36.5in 2022

Views at Tomas Redrado Gallery, MIAMI, FL. 2022